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Dataset Title:  MSDF 2017 cycle. Windmills impact on hydrodynamics. Reference 2D fields Subscribe RSS
Institution:  RBINS, OD Nature, Novembre 2017   (Dataset ID: MSFD2017ref2D)
Information:  Summary ? | License ? | FGDC | ISO 19115 | Metadata | Background (external link) | Data Access Form
Graph Type:  ?
X Axis:  ?
Y Axis:  ?
Color:  ?
Dimensions ?    Start ?    Stop ?
latitude (degrees_north) ?
    - >|
< slider >
longitude (degrees_east) ?
< slider >
Graph Settings
Color Bar:   Continuity:   Scale: 
   Minimum:   Maximum:   N Sections: 
Draw land mask: 
Y Axis Minimum:   Maximum:   
(Please be patient. It may take a while to get the data.)
Then set the File Type: (File Type information)
or view the URL:
(Documentation / Bypass this form ? )
    Click on the map to specify a new center point. ?
[The graph you specified. Please be patient.]


Things You Can Do With Your Graphs

Well, you can do anything you want with your graphs, of course. But some things you might not have considered are:

The Dataset Attribute Structure (.das) for this Dataset

Attributes {
  latitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lat";
    Float64 actual_range 51.68620681762695, 51.70259094238281;
    String axis "Y";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Latitude";
    String standard_name "latitude";
    String units "degrees_north";
  longitude {
    String _CoordinateAxisType "Lon";
    Float64 actual_range 2.688243865966797, 2.716331720352173;
    String axis "X";
    String ioos_category "Location";
    String long_name "Longitude";
    String standard_name "longitude";
    String units "degrees_east";
  averaged_bstress {
    String cell_methods "time: mean";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 1.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.5;
    String coordinates "time_analysis";
    String ioos_category "Statistics";
    String long_name "Time averaged bottom shear stress over one spring-neap cycle";
    String standard_name "averaged_bottom_shear_stress";
    String units "Pa";
  averaged_erosion_time {
    String cell_methods "time: maximum within days time: sum over days";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 100.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 50.0;
    String coordinates "threshold_erosion time_analysis";
    String ioos_category "Statistics";
    String long_name "Number Of Hours With Bottom Stress Above Threshold";
    String units "hours";
  averaged_sedimentation_time {
    String cell_methods "time: maximum within days time: sum over days";
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 200.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 150.0;
    String coordinates "threshold_sedimentation time_analysis";
    String ioos_category "Statistics";
    String long_name "Number Of Hours With Bottom Stress Below Threshold";
    String units "hours";
  p90_bstress {
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 2.2;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 1.2;
    String coordinates "time_analysis";
    String ioos_category "Statistics";
    String long_name "p90 bottom shear stress over one spring-neap cycle";
    String standard_name "p90_bottom_shear_stress";
    String units "Pa";
  p90_kinetic_energy {
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 0.2;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 0.1;
    String coordinates "time_analysis";
    String ioos_category "Statistics";
    String long_name "P90 Specific Kinetic Energy Of Sea Water At Sea Floor";
    String standard_name "specific_kinetic_energy_of_sea_water";
    String units "m2 s-2";
  bathymetry {
    Float64 _FillValue 9.96920996838687e+36;
    Float64 colorBarMaximum 35.0;
    Float64 colorBarMinimum 25.0;
    String colorBarPalette "TopographyDepth";
    String ioos_category "Bathymetry";
    String long_name "Bathymetry with respect to mean sea level";
    Float64 missing_value 9.96920996838687e+36;
    String standard_name "sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level";
    String units "m";
    String _NCProperties "version=1|netcdflibversion=4.6.1|hdf5libversion=1.10.4";
    String cdm_data_type "Grid";
    String climatology_bounds_description "One neap-spring cycle";
    Float32 climatology_bounds_end 18.375;
    Float32 climatology_bounds_start 3.625;
    String climatology_bounds_units "days since 2005-03-16T00:00:00Z";
    String Conventions "CF-1.6, COARDS, ACDD-1.3";
    String creation_date "MSFD 2017 cycle";
    String creator_name "MFC ODNature RBINS";
    String creator_type "institution";
    String creator_url "http://www.marineforecasts.be";
    Float64 Easternmost_Easting 2.716331720352173;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_max 51.70259094238281;
    Float64 geospatial_lat_min 51.68620681762695;
    String geospatial_lat_units "degrees_north";
    Float64 geospatial_lon_max 2.716331720352173;
    Float64 geospatial_lon_min 2.688243865966797;
    String geospatial_lon_units "degrees_east";
    String history 
"Mon Dec  2 10:57:35 2019: ncatted -O -a history,global,o,c,MSFD D7 cycle 2017 2Dfields.nc
MSFD D7 cycle 2017
2024-10-08T22:24:57Z (local files)
2024-10-08T22:24:57Z https://erddap.naturalsciences.be/griddap/MSFD2017ref2D.das";
    String infoUrl "http://www.marineforecasts.be";
    String institution "RBINS, OD Nature, Novembre 2017";
    String keywords "averaged_bottom_stress, averaged_erosion_time, averaged_sedimentation_time, bathymetry, Earth Science > Atmosphere >, Earth Science > Oceans > Bathymetry/Seafloor Topography > Bathymetry, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Winds > Surface Winds, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Winds > Turbulence, energy, hydrodynamics, kinetic, level, mean, msdf, nature, neap, northward, ocean, oceans, p90_bstress, p90_kinetic_energy, rbins, science, sea, sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level, seafloor, seawater, shear, specific_kinetic_energy_of_sea_water, spring, spring-neap, surface_downward_northward_stress, time, topography, turbulence, water, wind, windmills";
    String keywords_vocabulary "GCMD Science Keywords";
    String license 
"This dataset is licensed under a <b>Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</b>. <br/>
<a rel=\"license\" href=\"https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/\"><img alt=\"Creative Commons License\" style=\"border-width:0\" src=\"https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by/4.0/88x31.png\" /></a>

This means you are free to share and adapt the licensed material, but you must give RBINS/MFC appropriate credits, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. In addition, you may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.";
    String NCO "4.7.2";
    Int32 nco_openmp_thread_number 1;
    Float64 Northernmost_Northing 51.70259094238281;
    String source "Post-processed results of COHERENS V2.11";
    String sourceUrl "(local files)";
    Float64 Southernmost_Northing 51.68620681762695;
    String standard_name_vocabulary "CF Standard Name Table v55";
    String summary "This dataset is part of the MSFD D7 2017 cycle. It aims at assessing the impact of the windmills on the hydrodynamical conditions and hydrodynamical climate in their neighbourhood. The impact is measured by comparing a domain with and without the presence of windmills. This particular dataset gathers the 2D fields of the reference (no windmills) simulation.";
    String threshold_erosion "1.14 [Pa]";
    String threshold_sedimentation "0.51 [Pa]";
    String title "MSDF 2017 cycle. Windmills impact on hydrodynamics. Reference 2D fields";
    Float64 Westernmost_Easting 2.688243865966797;


Using griddap to Request Data and Graphs from Gridded Datasets

griddap lets you request a data subset, graph, or map from a gridded dataset (for example, sea surface temperature data from a satellite), via a specially formed URL. griddap uses the OPeNDAP (external link) Data Access Protocol (DAP) (external link) and its projection constraints (external link).

The URL specifies what you want: the dataset, a description of the graph or the subset of the data, and the file type for the response.

griddap request URLs must be in the form
For example,
Thus, the query is often a data variable name (e.g., analysed_sst), followed by [(start):stride:(stop)] (or a shorter variation of that) for each of the variable's dimensions (for example, [time][latitude][longitude]).

For details, see the griddap Documentation.

ERDDAP, Version 2.16
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